Traditionally, embedded wallets were limited to single applications, hindering cross-app interoperability for end-users and developers. This restriction made it challenging to create seamless experiences across multiple web3 applications. Additionally, developers aiming to build ecosystems around their brand or chain faced limited tools for enabling universal wallet access from most wallet providers.

Dynamic is designed to avoid both pitfalls and offer you solutions to improve end-user interoperability across web3 and solutions to let you build around your app or third-party ecosystem.

This document outlines the different features and tools to enable cross-app connectivity for your embedded wallets and ecosystem growth.

I’m building an ecosystem or chain

Designed for developers who want to foster unified login experiences across partner apps or associated third-party application developers. Ideal if you are building a chain, you are already a large brand that is extending reach to smaller partners, or you are a small company with a deep relationship with a single large entity in the ecosystem.

1: Display your wallet within other apps

We provide simple guides you can offer to your partners to add your wallet to their apps.

2: Create a full ecosystem around your brand

We are building multiple powerful features to let you build a full ecosystem around your brand. Reach out to us to learn more.

I’m building a single app

If you’re building an app, Dynamic offers two features to let you enable your end-users to connect their Dynamic-powered wallets to other apps.

1: Enable your end-users to connect to any app with QR code scanning (and URI codes)

You can allow your end-users to connect to any app that uses WalletConnect. This provides end-users with the broadest web3 app coverage but is mostly suited for end-users who have some familiarity with WalletConnect and other apps across web3.

How it works:

  1. Mobile - Upon clicking “Connect,” your end-users are prompted to go to their preferred app and scan a WalletConnect QR code or copy a URI code. Once scanned, they will confirm the connection, and their assets and wallet will now be connected to the app.
  2. Desktop - Your end-users will copy and paste WalletConnect’s URI code to associate their embedded wallet with an external site.

2: Inject your end-users’ wallets into an iframe

Coming soon.