When an end user connects their wallet, you, the developer, get a JSON Web Token (JWT) that can be used to verify some claims about the end user, notably a proof of ownership over a wallet public address.

After authenticating the JWT token, see Server-side verification, you may want to leverage user and wallet information provided in the JWT. Below we have the content defined with the aim of following the JWT standards.

Standard JWT claims:

See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7519#section-4.1

audAudience for the JWT token. This claim shows what domain of the indended audience of the JWT.
issIssuer of the JWT token. This claim shows app.dynamic.xyz generated and issued the JWT.
subSubject of the JWT token. userId in the deprecated info claim.
iatTimestamp when the JWT token was issued.
expTimestamp when the JWT token will expire.
Dynamic-specific claims:

These fields are optional and you depends on whether you want to collect this information during onboarding. For more information about collecting this information, see here.

aliasAlias field from customer information capture.
emailEmail field from customer information capture.
environment_idUnique ID of the project environment for the SDK, from https://app.dynamic.xyz/dashboard/api. environmentId in the deprecated info claim.
given_nameFirst name field from customer information capture. firstName in the deprecated info claim.
family_nameLast name field from customer information capture. lastName in the deprecated info claim.
listsNames of access lists enabled for this user.
verified_credentialsList of all verified credentials connected to this user.
verified_accountIf present, this was the most recently signed and verified account.


  "alias": "john",
  "aud": "https://dashboard.hello.xyz",
  "verified_credentials": [
      "address": "0x000123abc",
      "chain": "eip155",
      "id": "af615228-99e5-48ee-905d-4575f0a6bfc9",
      "wallet_name": "metamask"
  "email": "[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)",
  "environment_id": "fb6dd9d1-09f5-43c3-8a8c-eab6e44c37f9",
  "family_name": "bot",
  "given_name": "jon",
  "iss": "app.dynamic.xyz/fb6dd9d1-09f5-43c3-8a8c-eab6e44c37f9",
  "lists": [ "Community dashboard acess list" ],
  "sub": "d261ee91-8ea0-4949-b8bb-b6ab4f712a49",
  "verified_account": {
    "address": "0x000123abc",
    "chain": "eip155",
    "id": "af615228-99e5-48ee-905d-4575f0a6bfc9",
    "wallet_name": "metamask"
  "iat": 1660677597,
  "exp": 1660684797